Substantial growth forecast for India’s textile and clothing industry
India is the world's second largest producer of textiles and clothing after China. The textile and clothing industry forms a major part of India's manufacturing sector and has contributed enormously to the country's impressive economic development in recent years.
19th July 2012
Knitting Industry
India is the world's second largest producer of textiles and clothing after China. The textile and clothing industry forms a major part of India's manufacturing sector and has contributed enormously to the country's impressive economic development in recent years.
India is also recognised as one of the so-called BRIC countries, which are forecast to provide much of the impetus behind global economic growth over the next few years. Furthermore, India has a huge and growing domestic market which is expected to be worth US$140 billion in 2020 as the population increases in size and consumers become wealthier.
This huge growth could provide significant opportunities for foreign exporters to India and potential foreign investors in the country, as well as for the Indian textile and clothing industry itself. This report looks at the development of the textile and clothing industry in India and its size and structure, as well as textile and clothing production and consumption.
In particular, the report features: a geographical, political and economic profile; a detailed look at the country's imports and exports; a review of government policies, investment incentives and foreign and outward investments; an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT); and a look at India's infrastructure and human resources and how these affect the textile and clothing industry.
‘Prospects for the Textile and Clothing Industry in India’
Publisher: Textiles Intelligence
42 pages, published in Issue 156, July 2012
Report price: Euro 690.00; US$ 910.00
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