Vietnamese textile and clothing industry set for strong growth
Vietnam has become the second largest source of foreign textiles and clothing in the US market and has established a strong presence in the Japanese and European markets, especially for clothing. Also, the textile and clothing industry in Vietnam is the largest manufacturing sector in the Vietnamese economy.
2nd January 2013
Knitting Industry
Vietnam has become the second largest source of foreign textiles and clothing in the US market and has established a strong presence in the Japanese and European markets, especially for clothing. Also, the textile and clothing industry in Vietnam is the largest manufacturing sector in the Vietnamese economy.
Success in the industry has been assisted by the country's industrious and talented workforce, low labour costs and increasing access to international markets, especially in the USA and Europe. The industry's development has also been helped by the growth of the private sector and the introduction of foreign investment incentives by the Vietnamese government.
Looking ahead, the government has established a number of ambitious targets for the country including the achievement of developed nation status by 2020. In the textile and clothing industry, the government's aim is to shift from commodity type products towards the manufacture of high added value fashion items.
This report looks at the development of the textile and clothing industry in Vietnam, its size and structure, and production and consumption.
The report also features: a geographical, political and economic profile; a detailed look at the country's imports and exports; a review of government policies, investment incentives and foreign investments; an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT); and a look at Vietnam's infrastructure and human resources and how these affect the textile and clothing industry.
‘Prospects for the Textile and Clothing Industry in Vietnam’
Publisher: Textiles Intelligence
40 pages, published December 2012
Report price: Euro 600.00; US$ 785.00
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