Techtextil North America and Texprocess Americas 2022
Textiles Intelligence
Americas textile and apparel trade and production trends
USA, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico, June 2023.
25th July 2023
Knitting Industry
United Kingdom
Report summary
This latest report contains statistical data, information and insight into the textile and apparel industries in the USA, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico. The report presents a wealth of information and is essential for anyone who is considering sourcing from, selling to or investing in these countries or their export markets.
In particular, the report includes detailed information on domestic production, exports and imports of textiles and clothing by type and destination, and retail sales. The report notes that US textile and clothing imports rose in value and volume terms in 2022 after surging in 2021, although they were down sharply during January-March 2023. US textile and clothing exports also rose in 2022 but they were down during January-March 2023.
In Argentina, textile and clothing exports declined in 2022 and they were down sharply during January-March 2023. But there were increases in textile and clothing production, imports and retail sales in 2022, and production and retail sales were also up in early 2023. In Brazil, textile and clothing exports rose for the fifth consecutive year in 2022, reflecting, primarily, a rise in exports of cotton fibres, yarns and woven fabrics.
There was also a rise in textile and clothing imports. But textile and clothing production declined in 2022 and it was also down during January-February 2023. In Colombia, textile and clothing exports rose in 2022 after surging in 2021, although they were down sharply during January-March 2023. Meanwhile, textile and clothing production shot up in 2022 after surging in 2021.
In Mexico, textile and clothing exports rose in 2022 following a jump in 2021. Mirroring these trends, there were increases in textile and clothing production and imports in 2022 following strong growth in 2021.
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Publisher: Textiles Intelligence
'World textile and apparel trade and production trends: the USA, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico, June 2023'
48 pages, published in June 2023
Report price: Euro 635.00; US$ 835.00
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