Webinar: Seed of Joy denim capsule collection
Each season when U.S. fashion and fabric designers begin to design their new collections, they shop the spectrum of spectacular textile and surface design collections exhibited at Direction by Indigo, organisers say. According to Direction by Indigo, designers, as well as fashion and home professionals, look to the show as the leading, influential source of original textile designs, trend forecasts, concepts and services for the U.S. market. On August 4, 5 & 6,
23rd July 2009
Knitting Industry
New York
Each season when U.S. fashion and fabric designers begin to design their new collections, they shop the spectrum of spectacular textile and surface design collections exhibited at Direction by Indigo, organisers say. According to Direction by Indigo, designers, as well as fashion and home professionals, look to the show as the leading, influential source of original textile designs, trend forecasts, concepts and services for the U.S. market. On August 4, 5 & 6, 2009, Direction by Indigo will present over 100 international textile design studios offering hundreds of creative and inspiring designs for prints, knits, embroideries, appliqués, and wovens for all areas of fashion, home and related markets.
The fabric design and fashion communities meet at Direction by Indigo, where they find many trend-right, relevant tools to navigate the season. For the August 2009 Show, attendees will have access to important resources: the Surface Seminar Series will feature 30 unique seminars, the Indigo Print Trend Forecast will be on display and offered as a complementary brochure only during the show, Première Vision Color Forecast will be on display and available for purchase, and Direction by Indigo exhibitors’ artwork and studio designs will be presented as easy-read trend displays in full-wall gallery and widescreen video formats.
Direction by Indigo will present three days of informative and inspiring trend and industry-related seminars at its Surface Seminar Series. Knowledgeable experts will give insight and forward-looking perspectives to their comprehensive trend overviews and strategies for competing in today’s and tomorrow’s markets. Seminar speakers cover key colour, print and fashion trends for women’s, men’s, children’s, accessories and home markets; address smart and efficient software applications for design, fabric, presentation, and production; and target strategies for maximizing marketing impact, tackling technology, and adding wow to your web site.
colorEDGE Fordecasting, Color Portfolio Inc., Committee for Colour & Trends (CCT), Cotton Incorporated, Design Options, Dream Fabric Printing, EAT Inc. The Design Scope Company, Edelkoort Inc. & Trend Union, Fashion Design Concepts, Fashion Snoops, Kids á la Mode, Moore-Herring Inc., MSLK, Mudpie, Neville Bean Design, OPR, Pantone Inc., Pillar Consulting, Pointcarre USA, Precision Textile Color (PTC), Ready-Made, Resource Center & About Sources, SOS & SPECIFA, Stylesight and Trendincite LLC.
Direction by Indigo became part of the Indigo international brand of textile design shows in September 2008 when Première Vision acquired the Direction Show. Being in Première Vision’s stable of prestigious industry events, gives Direction by Indigo the benefits of cross-promotion with Première Vision Preview New York, increased direct marketing to a newly expanded data base, worldwide exposure at all Première Vision’s events and international ad campaigns to support the Indigo brand. On its newly unveiled Indigo Web site, www.indigosalon.com, which features all Indigo shows, the international community’s of designers and fashion professionals have easy access to information on the Direction by Indigo global exhibitor base, upcoming show dates, seminar schedule and online registration. Online pre-registration for attendees facilitates quick and hassle-free entry with smart e-badge technology.
Organisers say that Direction by Indigo advances its position as the #1 textile design show in America by utilizing the resources of Première Vision’s global marketing arm. High synergy between Direction by Indigo and Première Vision Preview New York has proven itself in the U.S. market for the textile design and fabric shows increasing traffic at both events. At the January 2009 edition, despite severe cold weather and dire economic conditions, Direction by Indigo was well received and attended by 2,855 visits.
4th Avenue Graphics, 20/20 Vision, A+A Design Studio, About Sources, Allan Thomas, Amanda Kelly, Angel Textiles, Anteprima, Atom Designs, Avi Iny Designs, Baxter Fawcett, Bay and Brown, Bella Prints, Bernini Studio, Beyond Retro, Boggia Disegni, Cainesclark, Cast Creations, Catherine B. Designs, Chris Judge Design, Chromashare, Chrysalis Design, Circle Line, Colette and Blue, Collezioni Magazines, Color Portfolio Inc, colorEDGE Fordecasting, The Colorfield, The Colorfield UK, Contromoda Srl, Davina Nathan, d.cipher FM, Design Options, Design Union, Drapets, Dream Fabric Printing, Eat Inc. The Design Scope Company, Edelkoort Inc, Edna Moran Textiles, ESP Edit, ESP Trendlab, Esti Studio, Eva Thora Designs, Fashion Design Concepts, Fashion Snoops, Fortier Price, Paris, Garreau Designs, Grafiq Trafiq, Group Four Antique Textiles, Group Four Design Studio, Helena Gavshon, Huepoint Color, Indigo Studio, Indra Larssen, Inspire By Design, Jack Jones Design, Jill McDonald Design, Karolina York, KeelerGordon, Keller Consultant, Larch Rose, London Portfolio, Mann Publications, La Mansion del Color, Marilyn Kern Textile Designs Inc., Material Force, Milkprint, Mint, mpdclick, Mudpie Ltd, My Sugar Cube, Nancy Parker, Nelly Rodi, Nonpareils Designs, Nova Art, NR Designs, OPR, Owens and Kim, Estudi Pagani, Pantone Inc, Paper and Cloth Ltd, Paradox Designs, Pattern Textiles, Pointcarre USA, Precision Textile Color, Print House Studio, Printfresh, Quinnconfrey, Ready-Made, Les Salsifilles, SCOTDIC, Scout, Studio 33/Classy, Studio G, Stylesight, Sukhanlee, Tanuki Studio, Taylor McArdle, The Collection, Tom Cody Design, Tom Cody London, Trend Union, Trends West Los Angeles, Unico Studio, Créations Robert Vernet, View Publications, Westcott, Whiston and Wright, Yellow Minnow, and Zinc Design.
Direction by Indigo expands the Indigo brand to North America, offering a goldmine of original designs and concepts to product developers, manufacturers, designers, and retailers, say organisers.
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