Première Vision Paris: Another step towards normality
What price success? Daring. The six Première Vision Pluriel events, which just held their autumn winter 2009-10 session at Paris-Nord Villepinte (23 to 26 September), have proven this true once again. In spite of an exceptionally difficult worldwide economic climate, the different shows took place in a very positive atmosphere of discoveries. Exhibitors demonstrated surprising boldness in these uncertain times, boldness that led them to continue to bet on creativity
12th October 2008
Knitting Industry
What price success? Daring. The six Première Vision Pluriel events, which just held their autumn winter 2009-10 session at Paris-Nord Villepinte (23 to 26 September), have proven this true once again. In spite of an exceptionally difficult worldwide economic climate, the different shows took place in a very positive atmosphere of discoveries.
Exhibitors demonstrated surprising boldness in these uncertain times, boldness that led them to continue to bet on creativity and quality. Buyers - and the percentage of international buyers remains unrivalled - applauded their original and renewed propositions. Four days of fruitful exchange and discussion, of business, of energy, all confirming Première Vision Pluriel as the essential meeting point for all international professionals working in fashion textiles.
Some 720 exhibitors at Première Vision, 49 at Expofil, with bold fabric collections for autumn winter 09-10, innovative yarns for spring summer 10: the weaving and spinning industrialists who gathered for four days in Villepinte received some 44,300 visits from international professionals working in fashion textiles.
A fine turnout given the current economic turmoil and its resultant weight on companies’ financial health, and also given the travel disturbances caused by a strike on the RER line serving the Parc des Exposition during the first two days of the events.
In terms of the comparable September 2007 session, the salons showed a slight decline in number of visitors (-6%). The rate of international visitors remains extremely high, 73%, a unique and consistent achievement of the Première Vision salons.
While European Union countries, as a whole, are in decline - including Germany, the United Kingdom and Spain - some are nonetheless showing notable increases, especially Romania (+55%), Hungary (+39%), Sweden (+9.5%), Belgium (+9%), and The Netherlands (+6.5%), while Italy remains stable.
Russia, an emerging market in full expansion, where Première Vision has been directly present for the past two years, showed a notable increase in visitors (+32%). In terms of overseas export countries, North America and Asia were both down, by 19% and 18% respectively. Nonetheless these percentages apply to already elevated international visitor numbers, numbers registered only at Première Vision. These countries continue to send strong buyer contingents. Visits by North America professionals exceeded 2,800 while those of Japanese professionals came to 1,710 and those of the South Koreans to over 900.
Reflecting a dynamic economy, Latin America rose by 2.2%, with Columbia (+42%) and Peru (+50%) showing the strongest increases.
Looking beyond figures...
The quality of contacts, discoveries and exchanges also all contribute to making a salon successful. Without forgetting, of course, the originality of the collections: bold colours, striking visuals and handles, fabrics with a strong character boosted by fantasy. Buyers fell in step with weavers in their desire to innovate, experiment and take risks for this autumn winter 09-10 season. Here, a small sampling of the comments made by buyers and visitors, fresh from the salon:
«Serious contacts. Visitors were here to work. …All the major names were present. A very good salon, a clientele that is moving ahead, with fine collections and a lot of energy to come.» Laurent Garigue, Laurent Garigue - United Kingdom
«Beyond the number of visitors, it’s quality that counts, and we had quality contacts…» Maurizio Pezzati, Effepierre - Italy
«…I am very satisfied. I saw all the American clients and I had a very good salon.» Antonio Gentili, Gentili - Italy
«It’s my first time at Première Vision... and I will definitely come again. We’ve spent most of our time looking around Paris for inspiration but Première Vision has it all. We loved the Distinction area in particular as it provided us with really good fabrics for men. We are happy as we met up with all our suppliers and found what we were looking for. » Gemma Lowis, Debenhams - United Kingdom
«Première Vision is a must for us in terms of quality and creativity. We are launching a very top-of-the-range line for the Escada group, and we are looking for the best in silks, laces, etc.» Thomas Ratte, Ley International Fashion Co – Germany Inspiration.
«…We always come to Première Vision as it is important to see and feel what is happening, to get a feel for the current mood and ambiance.» Daniela Gervasoni, Jersey Lomellina - Italy
«We come not directly from the textile sector but rather cosmetics, yet the colours, fabric handles and textures at Première Vision are essential sources of inspiration. We are quite faithful, even if in a cross disciplinary field.» Stéphanie Boldt, Nivea Beauté, Groupe Beiersdorf – Germany
During the salon, Première Vision unveiled the results of the second phase of its major international study «masculin pluriel - men & fashion/the future» The study determines that men today confer a double role to their clothing: to protect them and underline and enhance their qualities.
More than 300 people attended the presentation and debate, which gathered, on Thursday 25 September, Gustavo Lins, Jean-Paul Knott, Régis Perdrix and Kazuo Kurobe, along with other menswear personalities, together with journalist Mathias Ohrel, Patricia Romatet (IFM/French Fashion institute) and Larry Hasson (Risc International).
The focus on men will continue over the long term, and several projects with an international resonance will be undertaken for the next Première Vision edition, including the development of a book «men under construction,» and a film.
If you were unable to attend the presentations and would like to receive the synthesis of the masculin pluriel study, please send your request to [email protected]
• Première Vision Moscou
1-2 October 2008 / www.premierevision.ru
• Jitac European Textile Fair / Tokyo
14-16 October 2008 / www.jitac.jp
• Première Vision Shanghai
22-23 October 2008 / www.premierevision.cn
• Denim by Première Vision
3-4 December 2008 / Paris - Les Docks / www.denimbypremierevision.com
• Première Vision Preview New York
14-15 January 2009 / www.premierevision-newyork.com
• Première Vision / Expofil / Première Vision Pluriel
10-13 February 2009 / Paris
www.premierevision.fr / www.expofil.com / www.premierevision-pluriel.com
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